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Frequently Used Keyboard Shortcuts in Adobe Photoshop

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Operating System: Windows and Machintosh

Shortcut Matters

With the Frequently Used shortcuts for Adobe Photoshop provided here, you will not have to be a brainbox of keyboard shortcuts to use them. You will only use the popular ones to get your tasks done without much stress. If you are just starting out with keyboard shortcuts, it is advised you start with these few. You can check the full list if the shortcut you seek is not found among these ones.

This table lists the most frequently used shortcuts in Photoshop.

Free TransformControl + TCommand + T
Toggle between painting and erasing with the same brush Hold down ~ (tilde accent)Hold down ~ (tilde accent)
Deselect selectionsControl + DCommand + D
Undo last commandControl + ZCommand + Z
Decrease Brush Size[[
Increase Brush Size]]
Decrease Brush Hardness{{
Increase Brush Hardness}}
Rotate the brush tip by 1 degreeLeft Arrow (anti-clockwise),
Right Arrow (clockwise) 
Left Arrow (anti-clockwise),
Right Arrow (clockwise)
Rotate the brush tip by 15 degreesShift + Left Arrow (anti-clockwise),
Shift + Right Arrow (clockwise)
Shift + Left Arrow (anti-clockwise),
Shift + Right Arrow (clockwise)
Default Foreground/Background colorsDD
Switch Foreground/Background colorsXX
Fit layer(s) to screenAlt-click layerOption-click layer
New layer via copyControl + JCommand + J
New layer via cutShift + Control + JShift + Command + J
Add to a selectionAny selection tool + Shift-dragAny selection tool + Shift-drag
Delete brush or swatchAlt-click brush or swatchOption-click brush or swatch
Toggle auto-select checkbox in the Options bar with Move tool selectedControl-clickCommand-click (Hold the Command key)
Close all open documents other than the current documentCtrl + Alt + PCommand + Option + P
Cancel any modal dialog window (including the Start Workspace)EscapeEscape
Selects the first edit field of the toolbarEnterReturn
Navigate between fieldsTabTab
Navigate between fields in the opposite directionTab + ShiftTab + Shift
Change Cancel to ResetAltOption

If you want more Adobe Photoshop key combinations, go to the COMPLETE LIST.

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